Program data
Discover and access data from the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program.
Energy Rating Product Database
The Energy Rating Product Database contains energy efficiency data for all products currently registered for sale in Australia or New Zealand, except where products are not yet for sale and manufacturers have asked for the details to be kept confidential. is the central source of Australian open government data.
All data on the Energy Rating Product Database is also available on, on the pages Energy Rating Data for household appliances – Labelled Products and Energy Rating Data for household appliances – Non Labelled products.
This data can also be accessed using an Application Programming Interface.
Historical energy efficiency data
To support energy efficiency research and analysis, we have made available historical information on the energy efficiency of products registered using the Energy Rating Product Registration system.
This data covers all products that were registered from the commencement of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 until February 2021.