For Industry
Close control air conditioners

Close control air conditioners are used where temperature and humidity need to be monitored and maintained within narrow limits. Applications include computer rooms, data processing units, telecommunication facilities and industrial processing areas.
At a glance
Determination |
Minimum Energy Performance Standards |
Energy Rating Label |
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Close Control Air Conditioners) Determination 2012 |
Yes |
No |
In Australia, this product is regulated under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012.
In New Zealand, the relevant legislation is the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. Visit the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority website for more information.
What products are covered?
Products covered by this Determination include close control air conditioners where temperature and humidity are required to be monitored and maintained within narrow limits, for example, in computer rooms, data processing units, telecommunications facilities and other industrial process areas.
The Determination only covers products that are unitary air conditioners designed for high sensible heat ratio applications, and that are capable of maintaining close control of both temperature and humidity. Products must consist of one or more factory-made assemblies, which must include a compressor, a direct expansion evaporator, an air-moving device and air-filtering devices, and may include a condenser, a humidifier or a reheating function.
Refer to section 5 of the Determination for more details.
What products are not covered?
The following products are not covered by this Determination.
- Ducted or non-ducted split systems.
- Ducted packaged units.
- Multi-split systems (for example, those having more than one indoor unit with an independent control for each indoor unit).
- Evaporative coolers or any other cooling system that are not of the vapour compression type.
- Ground water sourced or ground loop sourced heat-pumps.
- Unbalanced air conditioners and spot coolers.
- Commercial chillers used in commercial buildings to provide chilled water for space-cooling equipment.
- Close coupled row based cooling units.
Technical requirements
For technical requirements regarding air conditioners, including testing requirements and Minimum Energy Performance Standards, review the relevant Determination and standards.
The following standards are referenced in this Determination and are available for purchase from Standards Australia.
- AS/NZS 3823.2:2011 Performance of electrical appliances – air conditioners and heat pumps. Part 2: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) requirements.
- AS/NZS 4965.1:2008 Performance of close control air conditioners. Part 1: Testing for rating.
- AS/NZS 4965.2:2008 Performance of close control air conditioners. Part 2: Minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) requirement.
The version of the standards that apply are the versions that existed when the Determination was made on 25 October 2012.
Minimum Energy Performance Standards
The Minimum Energy Performance Standards for this product are specified in in Clause 2.2 of AS/NZS 3823.2:2011.
Testing your product
The testing requirements for close control air conditioners are specified in Clauses 2.3 and 2.4 of AS/NZS 4965.2:2008, and sections 5 to 7 of AS/NZS 4965.1:2008.
Labelling requirements
This product does not have any labelling requirements.
Useful resources
Access to standards
Complete national and international standards can be purchased online within Australia.
Energy Rating Registration Database
Registered products can be viewed using the Energy Rating Registration Database.
Registering a product
Visit the How to register a product page for information about the registration process and requirements.
Other regulated air conditioning
Visit the Air conditioners up to 65 kW product page.
Visit the Air conditioners above 65 kW product page.
Visit the Liquid-chilling packages product page.