For Industry
Double-capped fluorescent lamps

Energy-efficient lighting reduces energy consumption, household bills and greenhouse gas emissions. Lighting regulation establishes energy efficiency requirements that must be met before products can be supplied in Australia. This drives the development of more efficient lighting and delivers quality and consistency across products.
At a Glance
Determination | Minimum Energy Performance Standards | Energy Rating Label |
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Double-capped Fluorescent Lamps) Determination 2017 | Yes | No |
In Australia, this product is regulated under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012.
In New Zealand, the relevant legislation is the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. Visit Linear (tubular) fluorescent lamps on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority website for more information.
What products are covered?
Products under this determination include double-capped fluorescent lamps that are used for:
- general illumination purposes
- in a luminaire
- alternating current mains (FD) applications or high frequency (FDH) applications with:
- nominal length from 550 mm to 1500 mm
- nominal lamp wattage of 16 watts or more
- lamp ballast connected to a 230-volt 50 hertz single phase or similar mains supply.
See section 5 of the determination for more details.
What products are not covered?
Products not intended for general illumination include flame proof luminaires, and medical, industrial or agricultural lamps. Other products excluded under this determination include those with a:
- dominant colour or with an output that is predominantly outside the visible spectrum
- colour matching/rendering index greater than 90 and a colour appearance approximating to a point on the black body locus.
See section 5 of the determination for more details.
Technical requirements
For technical requirements regarding lighting products, including testing and Minimum Energy Performance Standards, review the determination.
The following standards are referenced in the determination and are available for purchase online.
Standards Australia Limited
- AS/NZS 4782.1:2004 means Australian/New Zealand Standard 4782.1:2004 Double-capped fluorescent lamps—Performance specifications - Part 1: General (IEC 60081:2000 MOD)
- AS/NZS 4782.2:2004 means Australian/New Zealand Standard 4782.2:2004 Double-capped fluorescent lamps—Performance specifications - Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) including all amendments up to and including AS/NZS 4782.2:2004/Amdt:2 published on 19 July 2006.
- AS/NZS 4782.3:2014 means Australian/New Zealand Standard 4782.3:2014 – Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance specifications – Part 3: Procedure for quantitative analysis of mercury present in fluorescent lamps
- AS/NZS 61231:2001 means Australian/New Zealand Standard 61231:2001, International Lamp Coding System (ILCOS)
International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEC 62321-4 means International Standard IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 (Bilingual 2013): Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products – Part 4: Mercury in polymers, metals and electronics by CV-AAS, CV-AFS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS
- IEC 62554 means International Standard IEC 62554 Ed. 1.0 (Bilingual 2011): Sample preparation for measurement of mercury level in fluorescent lamps
Minimum Standards
The Minimum Energy Performance Standards for this product are established in clause 2.2 of AS/NZS 4782.2:2004 Double-capped fluorescent lamps—Performance specifications - Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) in relation to minimum colour rendering index.
Testing your product
Products must be tested in accordance with the determination and performance standards. The testing requirements depend on the class and characteristics of the model and are established in subsection 8(3) of the determination. This subsection refers to clauses 2.3 and 2.4 of AS/NZS 4782.2:2004 and either AS/NZS 4782.3:2014 or IEC 62321-4 and IEC 62554.
Labelling requirements
This product does not have labelling requirements including on the product or packaging.