23 August 2021
E3 Achievements report 2019-2021

Ever wondered what the E3 program is all about? The Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program undertakes a range of activities to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment in Australia and New Zealand. These include minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), energy rating labelling (ERL), compliance, registration and education.
Throughout June 2019-July 2021, the E3 Program continued to achieve some great outcomes. A number of policy initiatives were developed across a range of products including air conditioners, household refrigerators, refrigerated display and storage cabinets, lighting and swimming pool pumps. In addition, further work was undertaken on reviews of determinations due to expire in the next three years, prioritisation of future works, and improvements to the Energy Rating website.
Across this period, the E3 Program contributed more than A$3.7 billion to the Australian economy in avoided energy costs. Combined, this is an estimated 12.2 Mt of carbon emissions avoided, equivalent to taking 3.3 million cars off the road over the same period.
Read the full E3 Achievements report 2019-2021 to find out more
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