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Showing 1 to 6 out of 49 results


Market Update and Conclusions for Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Lighting Products

We commissioned Beletich Associates and its subcontractors to conduct research in recent lighting market developments and need for lighting regulations. This report will inform future lighting regulatory decisions. Summary of Potential Benefits to Economy, Households and Businesses:at the national level, a combined benefit for consumers and…

Market Update and Conclusions for MEPS for Lighting Products PDF 2.17mb

User Guide on 2020 energy metrics in AS/NZS 1158 lighting for roads and public spaces

AS/NZS 1158.3.1 Lighting for roads and public spaces, Part 3.1: Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting — Performance and design requirements was updated in 2020. New performance quantification techniques for lighting design energy efficiency based on international best practice were included. This User Guide is intended to inform public lighting…

diser_user_guide_on_2020_energy_metrics_in_asnzs_1158 PDF 1.47mb diser_user_guide_on_2020_energy_metrics_in_asnzs_1158 DOCX 747.53kb

Minor Energy Flow Metering Briefing

Smart street lighting controls can deliver a range of road and public safety, asset management, energy reduction, environmental and overall cost benefits.

final_minor_energy_load_metering_briefing_-_next_energy_18_nov_2021 PDF 521.65kb final_minor_energy_load_metering_briefing_-_next_energy_18_nov_2021 DOCX 1mb

REMP - Collection and Analysis of End-use Metering Data for Lighting

This paper contains general information and recommendations that are applicable to the end-use metering of lighting products.

REMP_Lighting_0 PDF 2.47mb

Training for professionals: The Basics of Efficient Lighting

The purpose of this training material is three-fold. The first aim is to provide the lighting and allied industry workforce with an overview of the key principles of light and lighting which includes an understanding of basic design concepts and lighting technologies currently available, in the context of sustainability. The second aim is to help…

Lighting Manual - Main Body - Final ex Appendices PDF 4.74mb Lighting Manual - Main Body - Final ex Appendices DOCX 12.71mb Lighting Reference Manual - Appendices - versD PDF 5.2mb Lighting Reference Manual - Appendices - versD DOC 20.32mb
Regulation Impact Statement

Decision RIS: Lighting

This decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared by the Australian Department of the Environment and Energy (on behalf of the COAG Equipment Energy Efficiency Program) and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR). Energy Council Ministers approved this decision RIS on 20 April 2018. The objective of the…

Decision RIS lightingFINAL260418 DOCX 10.71mb Decision RIS lightingFINAL260418WCAG PDF 6.8mb